Sunday, February 6, 2011

A letter for my beloved mama

Dear Mama,
For more than 30 years you've been there for me in every way possible: emotionally, mentally and physically. All my life, you've been my hero and your relationship with Abah was equally inspiring. All my life, I watched how the two of you tackled problems. You always made it seem easy, it didn't mean you had to get loud or abusive or angry. You could disagree and still be calm and reasonable. You could be unhappy with a situation and still make the best of it. You could show love and respect in every action and every word. 
When Abah got sick, you never once got angry. You never once seemed depressed. You took the news with such utter calmness that it helped the rest of us to stay calm. You found out what you needed to do and you did it. You were so quiet and so sad, but you still managed to smile for me. The way you coped with your grief was very much how you coped with life: quietly, deliberately and always with love. 
You showed all of us how to handle it, how to miss abah, but still not give in to our grief. You've been my hero since I was a little boy and you helped me to stand, to walk and to run. You're still my hero Mama, you've shown me what it is to really love and I can't ever express to you what it means to me. Thank you Mama, thank you for always being there and for always taking care of us and for teaching us how to love.
I may sometimes have misunderstood you and your intentions when I was much younger. But now I know that everything you did was for my own good. Funny how saying that I’d understand that when I was older came true. I really want to thank Mama for what you've done and to let you know how much I appreciate you. Surely this letter is never seem to be enough. Because my love for you can't be shown by words. Nothing could describe your love to us, Mama. I love you with all my heart. 

With love,

your son.

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