Wednesday, March 9, 2011

5 things I cannot live without.

Everyone surely has something that they cannot live without in their life. Today I'm going to share about what things in my life that give me impact on living. To keep on living the healthy lifestyles we need to have something that can motivate us to live a good life. Because life is too short to be frown and there are always many good things about life that we can discover. Thus, this entry is going to reveal what are the most important things in my life.

everyone has their own family. So do I. As a first child I carry tonnes of responsibilities to help my mother to take care of my siblings. My mother is the backbone of our family. I admire her strength and dedication to my family. She works hard just to make sure that my siblings and I get a good education. I am the eldest in my family so I will be the good example to my sisters and brother. Without my family, especially my mother I couldn't imagine how our life would be. Family mean a world to me, I love them very much.

What is the meaning of a friend? A person one who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group, cause or movement. Living in University teaches us to appreciate the true meaning of friendship. Especially in my University. We work, we study and we do almost everything in a group. For me, friend also holds a similarity concept with family. Ohana in mexican means family. I live with my friends in University as a society thus it means friends as a family. And family means nobody left behind. This make things clearly why I think friend is one of the things that I cannot live without.

We live in the 21st century. I couldn't imagine how to communicate with people around the world without the help of technology. Thanks to the invention of hand-phone that made people easy to communicate from one place to another. Imagine that we still using those old-fashioned communication such as smoke signals, drums, carrier pigeon and others. I think it may took sometimes for the message to be delivered, maybe a week or a month period of time. My hand-phone that keeps me in contact with all my family members and my friends. Even-thou we're miles apart but we still can in contact with each other & that the strong reason why I can't live without my hand-phone.

Without musics life could be meaningless and dull. I like to hear to any kind of musics that have a good quality and the songs that has lyrics that mean so much to me. I love to hear to those that hold a memory or mean something to me. The one that can motivate me and something which is light and easy to listen. Sometimes in real life we cannot describe what we feel or what are we want to do. By singing it has its own melody and words that can describe all those feelings. The lyrics (words) of songs are typically of a poetic. Musics also can change our mood and give an impact to our lives.

My blog. Yes, I love writing so much. Since I have blogged, I have become a blog addict. I love this amazing community that is doing it all their own way. I like to read other's blog. Sometimes they give us something to think about and the arts of writing is very beautiful. I appreciate this online journal that gives people around the world to write almost about anything and share it with people all over the world. But be careful about what are we going to write. We have to respect others and the ethic of writing is always to write a positive things. Because somehow a pebble in the water makes a ripple effect and thus every action in this world will bear a consequence.

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