Wednesday, March 2, 2011

my all time favorite super hero

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia;
"A superhero is a type of character possessing "extraordinary or superhuman powers" and dedicated to protecting the public. By most definitions, characters do not strictly require actual superhuman powers to be deemed superheroes. Superhero powers vary widely; superhuman strength, the ability to fly, enhanced senses, and the projection of energy bolts are all common. While others may have special weapons or technology."

Everyone knows who is Batman, he is, a normal man, who uses his love of science, strength, and problem solving to make him a very special kind of crime-fighting super hero. Bruce Wayne was a young boy when his parents were killed during a mugging. As Bruce grew up, he maintained a vow to bring his parents' killer to justice and so he trained hard to get his body in perfect physical condition by studying martial arts and gymnastics. Batman studied and excelled in areas of science, criminology and psychology. Batman is a top-notch escape artist but usually finds himself successful against the evil villains not by beating them up physically, but by out witting him. 

Batman is my favorite superhero of all time. I adore batman very much because he is one of the intelligent superhero. Unlike most ultra-powerful self-appointed defenders of humanity, Batman spends a lot of time on the computer. In fact one of his most striking abilities knows just how to research and outsmart his adversaries. I’d like to think that the cognitive skills Batman uses to navigate his military grade supercomputer. He has no super powers, no godlike agility, no bionic durability. When Batman rushes off into battle, there’s only his thinly armored suit and quick wit to protect him from the night’s heinous evildoers. He is fabulously wealthy and has brilliant detective smarts. 

He always stick to a no-kill policy. Why I'm saying this is because Batman has a no-kill policy and would rather hang up his cape than violate his sacred personal rule. No matter how many times the Joker gets free, Batman will take responsibility to stop his devious plans, round him up, and get him the good psychiatric care he needs. This is part of what makes Batman not just a good hero but the greatest hero. He may not the strongest, but he’s the firmest. While Superman may have more body mass, he can never grasp the sheer complexity and limitations of what it’s like to be like “one of us”. Batman has devoted his whole life to mastering the martial arts, fighting crime, and doing the right thing each time. It may not be clear if these criminals deserve to live, but Batman doesn't take matters into his own hands. He’ll leave that up to the courts to decide. He is the only hero that motivated others not by revenge but by true justice.

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